深圳赛诺菲巴斯德生物制品有限公司 Internal Controlling Manager 申请该职位 查阅该职位薪酬水平
工作性质: 全职 工作地点: 北京
发布日期: 2021-05-06 11:22:22 薪  水:
招聘人数: 1人 工作经验: 5-10年
学  历: 本科
KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES 1,Develop and update Company policies & procedures (finance related) and controls; 2,Secure the compliance of Company policies & procedures vs. SP/SA policies & procedures; 3,Identify the problems and potential risks in routine work/operation to avoid weaknesses, set up/verify the procedure accordingly; 4,Provide the routine training for all staffs on updated or new Company/SP/SA policies & procedures, and the financial orientation training non-sales staffs. Secure policies & procedures are accessible by Company’s employees. 5,Ensure to support all activities surrounding the annual audit performed by outside auditors; 6,Secure that the proper remediation plans recommended by outside auditors are duly implemented 7,Design risk assessments and complete operational audits of key business process; 8,Conducts independent audits and generate audit reports; 9,Recommend corrective action plan to local management based on audit results; 10,Perform follow-up reviews to determine the status of implementation of accepted recommendations; 11,Provide advice as requested by Head of Department, line managers or others to build up internal control system. 12,Coordinate locally the yearly Company Level Control Assessment process with Headquarters 13,Assist the Head of Departments to set up structures and procedures based on Company Strategy; REQUIREMENTS 1,Bachelor of finance management 2,Over 5 years audit firm experience 3,Qualified CPA 4,Familiar with US and Chinese GAAP, Chinese Accounting and Tax Regulation; 5,SOX experiences are preferred 6,Ability for internal control policy set up; 7,Strong financial analysis competency 8,Good communication skill 9,Management skill 10,Team work 11,Fluent in written and spoken English.
赛诺菲-安万特集团公司业务遍及全球五大洲,100多个国家和地区,是欧洲第一、世界第三大制药集团,拥有10万名员工服务于全球的健康事业。 赛诺菲-安万特的人类疫苗业务-赛诺菲巴斯德是全球最大的疫苗公司之一,总部设在法国里昂。产品种类众多,进行工业化生产的产品有:流感疫苗、儿童联合疫苗、旅行者/地方病疫苗和脑膜炎疫苗等。 1996年,深圳赛诺菲巴斯德生物制品有限公司在深圳注册成立。 赛诺菲巴斯德视员工为最宝贵的资源,并积极努力帮助员工得到最大限度的发展。我们欢迎各方人才加入到我们之中。
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